Developed in the pure traditions of manufacture, we offer a moisturizing gourmet, combining virtuosity of the active principles of Tiare and benefits of Coconut oil.
A real pleasure thanks to the addition of the tasty Mango perfume.
It will delight your senses, and will transport you to the most perfect exoticism.
Harvested from the maceration of Tiare flowers in Coconut oil, Monoï de Tahiti is ideal as a moisturizing treatment for the body and hair.
A true beauty secret, a remedy, a sacred ritual ...
Its uses and recipes, transmitted in the flexibility of the oral tradition, are endless.
Worthy ambassador of Tahiti and its islands and bearer of a good future, the Monoï now has a Denomination of Origin and is declined in cosmetics through different flavors.
A flagship product, Polynesian cultural heritage, to discover or rediscover ...
A true secret of beauty, a cure, a sacred ritual ...